Can You Spy Cell Phone Without Having Access to the phone? Using Phone Tracking App

 Spy Cell Phone

We've got a story that should raise red flags for many people who rely on our cell phones. Shocking as it might be, it turns out that any one of them can be transformed into a bugging device worthy of the CIA in just a few minutes, and as you'll shortly learn, it will not take a professional spy to take action. 

 We've all heard the tales about the GPS in your phone can monitor you when you are not using it, but we had no clue just how much about your personal life which people can learn through you cell phone until we met a person whose mobile phone was being tracked by one of the numerous cell phone monitoring apps which may be found on the internet. 

 How Mobile Tracker Collects Data from Target Device? 

 As incredible as it seems, all it requires a person to remotely connect with your mobile phone over the world wide web is implementing a couple of simple commands from inside a mobile phone spy program which could be purchased online and downloaded into your phone. We came across a victim of this offense, Jan, who is husband, used a thefeednews for this purpose. 

 "I really don't understand how this app sent all my texts and everything else out of my phone to his. Says Jan. 

 With an inexpensive phone tracking app, he bought online, Jan's husband managed to spy on her mobile phone without being anywhere close to her. All this was his disposal with no Jan's phone in his ownership. 

 The app he used is known as TheWiSpy and is designed and promoted by ILF Mobile Apps, a US-based corporation that specializes in safety programs and phone monitor technologies. Using this app empowers a person to spy on a mobile phone nearly exactly the same as every other government or law enforcement agency can. They might have access to virtually anything that happens on a person's phone. Jan's husband was a licensed user in their accounts at the time that he set up the app. 

 Cell Phone Spy Without Touching the Target Phone (Except for App Installation) 

 TheWiSpy is a highly effective mobile phone spy app that enables a person to spy on a cell phone without having the device in your possession. Additionally, it happens to be one of the highest-rated monitoring apps for mobile phones available on the market nowadays. 

The app works by remotely accessing data from the goal phone (the phone you are monitoring) and displaying the data on your cell phone, tablet computer, or pc. Auto Forward claims that it will collect texts, phone history, GPS, Facebook, Twitter, and much more from virtually any phone. 

 We chose to place this sneaky little program to the test. With Tracy's permission, we utilized that the OTA (over-the-air) link and installed Auto Forward onto her apparatus. The installation procedure was quick and simple. We all needed to do was download the software and then activate the program, and we were finished. You will be amazed at what we found! 

Read more : Phone Tracking App

 Phone Tracker Works Secretly  

 The app was every bit invasive, as you might think. Auto Forward obtained text messages, phone logs, GPS tracking info, social networking messages, photos, and just about everything else that happened on the phone. With the "Stealth Camera" attribute, we were able to turn on the mobile phone camera and have a photo. The exact same image was sent right to the phone we were spying from.  

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