The rise of Live Commerce and Shoppertainment


The year 2020 will always be remembered as the year of drastic changes. Each one of us would have never imagined the changes that this COVID-19 pandemic has brought for us, yet people around the world were quite quick to adopt these changes. As people were bound inside their houses, they were forced to consume more online content.

Surviving in the retail space was not easy. The E-commerce market had already come to a saturated point and consumers already had a lot of content, which they had access to via different platforms. This made eCommerce boring and non-engaging. Furthermore, customers wanted better product experiences, entertainment and personalization. To be able to sustain in the market and leave a lasting impact on consumers, brands had to meet these changing demands and have to take proactive actions to retain their customers. This made brands connect with their customers via video commerce.

According to a survey, the consumption of online videos has been four times as compared to the time before the pandemic happened.

The major reason for the consumption of video content is the entertainment factor associated with it. The combination of video commerce and entertainment has given rise to shoppertainment. The main goal of this is to draw consumers to purchase online, by offering interactive and engaging broadcasts where products are demoed or launched in front of a live streaming audience.

With such experiences people get a virtual chance to escape from the confined walls of their home. This also helps brands to engage and interact with their customers over the live shopping platform. Shoppertainment just allows the brands to meet their audience wherever they are and also interact meaningfully with them.

Brands who work as true innovators seek for opportunities to deliver exciting and engaging experiences that will help to keep their customers entertained while they shop.

Shoppertainmnent is one of the effective ideas to incorporate in your business which will help you in expanding your business, gain more customers and ultimately generate more sales. Here are few points you should keep in mind thinking while streaming:

      Know your audience properly

      Leverage the best live shopping platform

      Train your employees properly on how to interact and engage with viewers

    Offers deals and discounts

    Run live contests or giveaways

    Host games and live polls

      Keep your content relevant and crisp 

Why is Shoppertainment important?

Shoppertainment offers you products in the most exciting and interactive way which leaves customers with a zeal to know products more. This also sparks the interest of viewers in products and they end up buying products, which results in increased sales.

This will help your brand to build trust even more amongst your customers and will also grab more attention from viewers. By incorporating entertainment into your live shows, customers will feel entertainment, highly valued and engaged.

Wrap it up

The rise of Live Commerce and Shoppertainment both goes hand in hand.

Livestream ecommerce can only be successful if it has a lot of entertainment and interaction along with shopping. Entertainment can include hosting of games, Q&A sessions, Lucky draws, quiz and much more. There are a lot of other factors too which are important for a successful live stream and some of them are proper gadgets, well- targeted audience, promotion of your live show and simulcasting.

Furthermore, what makes live shopping effective is that it focuses on acquiring the attention of viewers by inviting predominant personalities, celebrities etc.

If you are planning to bring out some changes in your business model by incorporating some latest trends then you must take a walkthrough of our solution. With our Live Streaming solution you can grow your brand and serve your customers with the best live video shopping platform in an effective manner.

With our live streaming shopping platform you will be able to see positive effect on the following:

     Cost per acquisition (CPA)

     Average session time

     Organic traffic

     Returning visitor rate

     Sales conversion rate