Do’s and Don’ts of growing Desert Rose plant:

growing Desert Rose plant

If you are a plant lover and an avid gardener who is always willing to bask the rows of garden vegetables, scented flowers, and specimen plants, then visiting a local nursery is one of your rights. It is worth stating here that local nurseries have limited plants stock that they consider will be sold. In case you will be looking for something different then you may be out of luck. However, you need not to worry because online indoor and outdoor plants suppliers in Dubai are very much helpful in this regards. You can choose from an array of plants that are usually not available in local nurseries. It does not matter if you are willing to have an heirloom rose, a specimen tree, or exotic indoor or outdoor plants in Dubai; you will have easy access to these within few clicks of a mouse. Same goes true if you want to buy online desert rose in Dubai

If you want to buy online desert rose in Dubai then you must be aware of how to take care of it, what is required to ensure that the plant stays alive and much more. Continue reading to know details about having a desert rose plant with you. 

Desert Rose care: Desert rose belongs to family of succulent plants. There are couple of elements when it is about growing a desert rose plant in a successful manner; regular watering and lots of sunlight. The plant prefers to be in constant warm temperature. It usually blooms red and pink flowers with bright green leaves. Desert rose is a beautiful plant however it comes with caution i.e. sap of the plant is toxic and hence it needs to be kept away from pets and children. 

Light: The plant goes perfect in an environment full of sun. Therefore, you must choose a spot in the home where it will get continuous light all day long such as a sunroom or windowsill. If you live in an area where it will be feasible to grow the plant outdoors, then you must look for a place in the garden where there is no shade of taller plants. 

Soil: Name of the plant is self-explanatory that it is habitual of growing well in naturally dry, desert like environment. This is true for the plant’s love for the warmer temperatures and light. At the same time it requires gravelly or sandy soil which is well draining. The soil must have neutral to acidic pH around 6.0. 

Water: When it is about water related needs; the Desert Rose plant needs largely vary. When it is growing season of the said plant which is late spring and summer; the soil of the plant must be kept moist however not saturated. Check the soil on periodic basis enabling it to dry out before you administering the other watering activity. Moreover, plant your desert rose in a planter boasting enough drainage holes. 

During the winter and fall months; moisture can be reduced i.e. you may water the plant once a month or so. In order to get an idea if the plant is getting enough water during its growing season then you must look at its trunk. Thick swollen trunk indicates proper hydration of your plant. 

Humidity and temperature: The Desert Rose plant must be kept in warm temperature all the time. If you will keep it exposed to 50 degrees Fahrenheit for a prolonged time period, then it will die in no time. It must be kept in a temperature range between 65 to 90 degrees. If you are planning the plant to be outdoor, you should be clear that it will not stand any frost of the winter and fall. Since the plant is used to hot and dry climate therefore humidity is not important for this plant.

Fertilizer: For added dose of nutrients, you should get liquid fertilizer once a month for active growth of the plant. You need not to fertilize it during the dormant period. 

When you will buy online desert rose in Dubai the online supplier will tell you how to take care of the plant too. One such reliable online plant supplier is Home Supplies. Access their official site i.e. for more details in this regards.