Why is Every Slab of Granite or Marble Different?


Did you see a beautiful slab of granite at one countertop store and asked for the same type at another shop only to discover that the two slabs look nothing alike? You are ordering a custom counter. Any kind of natural stone, including granite and marble, used for countertops will always show variation from one piece to the next. Why does that happen? It all has to do with how the stone is formed millions of years in the past.

Granite Begins as Molten Magma

Granite is an igneous rock, which means it begins life as molten magma deep under the Earth's surface. As the magma cools under the immense pressure of the Earth, it crystallizes and forms the building blocks for granite. Granite often includes crystals of quartz, feldspar, and mica. The rate at which the rock cools determines the size of the different crystals.

Marble is a Metamorphic Rock Made from Limestone

Marble begins its life as huge blocks of limestone. At some point a geological event occurs that superheats the limestone, causing the mineral deposits in the limestone to grow and fuse together in striations creating marble. The color varies based on the other minerals that surround the white limestone deposit. You will see marble that ranges from nearly white to dark gray.

Both Types of Rock are Found All Over the World

Many people think of granite as a rock found in the United States because so many of our large monuments are crafted out of the stone. Likewise, marble is often associated with Italy and the Mediterranean because of ancient sculptures and temples crafted out of marble that still stand today. In actuality, you will find deposits of both granite and marble on every continent. We source slabs for our countertops from a variety of suppliers to give you a better selection.

The Color and Density of Stone Varies from Location to Location

Because no limestone deposit or lump of magma starts in the same shape or next to the same mix of other minerals, every mountain across the planet produces different outcrops of granite and marble. You can discover some truly exotic slabs that are imported from Argentina, Zimbabwe, and Ukraine. Of course, you can also select a stone that is quarried right here in America.

When shopping for a slab of stone for your custom kitchen counter, The Countertop Shop suggests that you approach the project like shopping for a piece of art. Stand back and take in the unique motion and textures found in each slab of stone in our showroom. You will know when you fall in love with the piece destined for your home. Come visit us today to find your perfect piece of granite or marble.