We all use the World Wide Web for a host of things and it won’t be long before e-commerce is the most popular way to shop, especially during the pandemic. The Internet can also save you money and with that in mind, here are a few ways that you can save money using online solutions.
Free Delivery – Most online retailers offer free delivery and that saves you money, plus you have the convenience of the product being delivered to your doorstep. Simply search online for the product you want and you will get a long list of suppliers to choose from and onc
e you find the right product, click on ‘buy’ and proceed directly to checkout.
Car Insurance – Of course, car insurance is a must-have and premiums can vary greatly when looking for the cheapest car insurance type 1 price from a leading Thai company. Google can assist you to compare policies and premiums and do make sure that the provider has a good reputation and read the online reviews from those who made a claim.
Special Deals – Every retailer has certain items that they wish to sell and these products are advertised at a low price. While it can be tough to visit many stores to compare prices, the Internet makes short work of finding the best deal available and that goes for just about any product. There isn’t much that Amazon don’t cover, although it is a good idea to buy from local businesses at this time and Google can help you find such providers. You might want to order a book on the importance of leadership in business, or how to cook Thai food, or any other publication you wanted.
Paying Utilities - If you pay your utility bills online, you won’t have the cost of visiting their offices and taking a queue number, which invariably takes a couple of hours of your valuable time. Yes, you can pay your utilities at any 7/11 store, but they charge you 20 baht to process and you can do it for free with online banking.
Online Services – If, for example, you need to see a physio due to a sporting injury, there are physios that offer virtual consultations, which are much cheaper than regular bookings at their clinic. It isn’t just physiotherapy, you can hire a virtual personal trainer who you interact with via a Zoom video meeting. Online fitness classes are about 30% cheaper than going to the gym and you’ll have just as much fun because you can interact with all parties, not only the instructor.