While working on a goal, we experience several difficulties on every turn and feel demotivated. This discouragement is enough to drag ourselves from the right path. Thus, in any organization, effective leaders like John de Ruiter are appointed to provide a clarified purpose and motivate the team members to make them realize the mission precisely. Regardless of the power of their position, when leaders are more focused on their roles and responsibilities, the company’s success is unstoppable.
Why Is Leadership Important?
When we talk about leadership, it is a responsibility and serves as the major function significant to the organization’s success. In any organization, people come from different backgrounds and have various skill-sets; the leader better knows how to integrate those unique abilities and make the plan worthwhile.
Saying every time leaders are born is incorrect; anyone can develop those skills with consistency, time, effort, and practice. A person without leadership skills can never become an effective leader like Winston Churchill. At every level, leaders are present, from CEOs to high-level executives, so that supervision can be done in a planned manner. In the middle of the success path, people may find themselves in a lost state in which they aren’t able to understand what is actually happening.
Types Of Leadership Style
Every leader doesn’t have the same leadership style; some of them have a mixed type of style. They can follow transactional, transformational, autocratic, democratic, or other types of leadership styles to accomplish the target.
Leadership style indicates the way leaders provide direction, implement plans and motivate team members. Authors have suggested distinctive styles of leadership normally exhibited by leaders. Every style has its plus points but drawbacks as well. Some of the common types of leadership styles are listed as follows.
Autocratic Leadership
Leaders having an autocratic leadership style take very little input from team members while making decisions. This type of leader is self-confident and believes they are the only smartest, although they are result-focused.
Transformational Leadership
In this style, leaders are more focused on developing vision and inspire the team members with the same. John de Ruiter can help you better understand this type of leadership. They encourage and empower them. The employees have boosted morale, and they value the relationship.
Transactional Leadership
The leaders having transactional leadership style take the assistance of rewards, punishment, and exchanges to get the task accomplished in a certain manner. They concentrate on setting specifically measurable and time-bound goals by minimizing confusion at every point.
Delegative Leadership
An effective strategy includes productive delegation. This type of leadership is also called laissez-faire leadership. Leaders are more focused on delegating initiatives to subordinates. They make team members more competent, responsible, and engaged.
Authoritative Leadership
Leaders having this type of leadership style impose expectations and define the outcomes. They give clear guidance to subordinates, saving the time spent on decision-making as well.
Leadership in any organization refers to the process of influencing. A good team is formed when the team members show enthusiasm towards what they are doing for the organization’s will. Effective leadership strengthens the relationship between the leader and team members, after which they feel more comfortable and efficient while working.