6 Signs That Tell You That Your Heart Needs Help

As you continue to scroll millions of pages on the internet, your heart is the one organ that is not resting and is performing an important function that is pumping blood. 

According to the best Heart specialist in Karachi, people often do not pay attention to their cardiac health. That is why today we will be discussing the symptoms and signs that are clearly telling you that something might be wrong with your heart. 

One of the common signs that are telling you that you should pay attention to your heart is sudden pain in the left arm. But the signs do not stop there. Listed below are some of the signs and symptoms that you should keep an eye on. 

Signs that You Might Have A Heart Disease

 Heart issues are one of the most common diseases in the twenty-first century. From poor dietary choices to high levels of cholesterol these are some of the common causes of cardiac issues. 

  1. Chest Pain 

This is one of the most apparent and visible symptoms of heart issues. Chest pain should never be ignored. If you are feeling streaks of pain in your chest that is pounding and not stopping then this means that it is a medical emergency. In case of a heart attack, a person may also feel heavy chest pain, pressure, or tightness. 

Most of the time people describe this condition as a heavy object being placed on their chest. This is a sign that you need help. Thus do not waste any second and call for an ambulance.  

  1. Shortness of Breath

Also known as a sudden change in the breathing pattern indicated a major heart issue. Simple life activities such as flight downstairs, or running on a field is suddenly a strenuous task. Another symptom is that you suddenly wake up at night trying to catch your breath. These conditions all direct towards one main issue which is that your heart is not functioning properly. A conventional echocardiogram (echo), often known as a transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), is a type of ultrasound imaging that produces pictures of your heart.

  1. Indigestion

A sudden burning sensation in the gut or chest is a clear indication that a person might be suffering from heart conditions. This is mainly because of the fact that the heart, lungs, liver, and stomach all lie in close proximity with one another. If one is disturbed it can affect the other as well. Sometimes an underlying heart issue is surfacing with the help of a simple symptom such as indigestion. 

  1. Choking Sensation

Sometimes it is not the painful feeling in your chest but a tightening sensation in your throat. A person is unable to breathe and the amount of oxygen suddenly feels low in the atmosphere. This feeling is often termed as a choking sensation or a restricting sensation. This symptom is more prevalent in people who have previously been described with a heart issue. 

  1. Swollen Ankles

People often associate this symptom with high blood pressure or hypertension. But this is not the sole cause of swollen feet or ankles. High levels of cholesterol are also responsible for this condition. This can be a symptom that your heart is not working properly.  

These symptoms are also an indication that several medications that you might be taking may be having an effect on your heart. 

  1. Irregular Heart Rhythms 

It is also an important symptom of heart disease. Most of the time people who are diagnosed with heart conditions are because of this popular symptom.  This sign is also a clear indication that you might be suffering from arterial fibrillation. An untreated condition can cause major and more fatal results such as complete heart failure ultimately death. 

One of the much-needed practices at this moment is that people should be aware of their heart rhythms. Because one might be suffering from a heart condition and might not know about this. Thus, doctors often recommend patients check their pulse. This helps greatly in the early detections and right on-time start of the practices in case of heart conditions. 

Closing Remarks 

If you are familiar with any of these aforementioned symptoms, then it is the right time for you to check with your doctor or cardiologist. Always remember that early diagnosis can save your life and thus make sure to pay attention to this detail.