If you have struggled to stop using drugs or alcohol, drug rehab is likely the right choice for you. In fact, there are many signs of recognizing drug addiction and start the treatment. A few addicts have the clarity or judgment needed to recognize when they have crossed the line from drug abuse to drug addiction.
The following signs of drug addiction are a call to action, a way for the addict to cry out for help for addiction recovery from a recognized rehab center even when they can’t recognize or understand the depth of the problem:
Needing more of the drug to experience the original feelings of euphoria
Experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, nausea, shaking, sweating or depression when trying to quit drugs
Feeling unable to control the amount or frequency of drug use
Spending a great deal of time thinking about, obtaining and using drugs
Trying to cut back or stop drug use without success
Neglecting responsibilities at work, school or home
Engaging in high-risk behavior such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex
Abandoning previously enjoyed hobbies and activities
Having problems with relationships or the law as a result of drug use
Continuing to use drugs in spite of negative consequences to health, family, career, finances and other areas of life
Always keep in mind that recovery is not a solitary process. Some people who recognize the signs of addiction believe they can kick their drug habit on their own. In most cases, this only delays the recovery process and adds to the shame, frustration and pain the addict and their family already feel.
Once addiction takes hold, using drugs is no longer a choice, and quitting is not as simple as making a choice to stop. No matter how badly the addict wants to stop using drugs, their body, mind and spirit are being propelled down a destructive course. Recognizing one’s powerlessness over the addiction and reaching out for help are the first steps toward healing.
Withdrawal symptoms during detox frequently prevent the addict from staying clean and sober. The discomfort combined with intense drug cravings can overpower even the strongest will. In drug rehab, patients’ detox under the close supervision of a medical team using cutting-edge medications to minimize discomfort and prepare the addict to fully engage in their program of recovery.
But drug rehab is about much more than detox. Those who seek professional help for detox often return to drug abuse shortly after getting clean and sober. That’s because detox rids the body of chemicals but does not equip the addict with the skills for lasting recovery. The deeper work takes place during drug rehab, typically over a span of several weeks or months, with guidance from a team of experienced therapists and psychologists.
Morningside Recovery is a center for treating addictions in Corona Del Mar, California. Addiction recovery is one of their specialities. They have facilities that allow patients to be admitted, and they monitor them for your steady process for recovery. In addition, they help all patients to fights against relapse and reintegrate into their normal life routine.