Basics of Website Building


The Basics: HTML and CSS


This section will deal with the basics of website building. I'll be going over HTML and CSS, but I won't be going into much detail or explaining how they work. I'll do that in the next section. If you already know what these terms mean, you can skip this one! If not, let's get started!


What is HTML? Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language for creating web pages and other documents on the World Wide Web. It was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN to provide a common language that all computers could read and write; in doing so, he popularized it around 1993. Today, it's used by almost everyone to build websites (and even apps).


What is CSS? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to add style sheets to your website or web page; they define how all the elements should look like in your website (or app). For example: background color, font size/color/style...etc... That pretty much sums up HTML and CSS right there! But if you want more information about them. You can learn to build your own website here is an amazing website that explains everything. If you want to learn HTML and CSS, I can teach you!


A Little More Complex: Designing with HTML and CSS


Now that you know what HTML and CSS are, let's get into some more detail about them. We'll be going over designing with these languages; we'll be covering some of the basics of how they work as well as a couple other things. Let's get started!


What Are Classes? A class is basically like a group of people (or objects). For example, if we were looking at animals: Mammal is a class; Elephant, Lion, Wolf...etc...are all Mammals. The reason why classes are used in websites (and other programs) is because it makes it easier to make changes: instead of changing every object individually (like making each lion different), if we just change "Mammal", then all the Lions will be different too! It's very useful for websites.


What Are IDs? An ID works just like classes do, but there can only be one ID per page/document/etc....and once an element has been given an ID name, it cannot have another one added to it later on in the page or document or whatever else we're working on. ID's are used to identify an element.


For example, if we were working with animals again: Elephant is the ID; every elephant in the world will have this ID name. This makes it easier for programers to find an object they're looking for (and also allows them to change just one thing instead of everything) because there can only be one of these on a page/document/etc.


What Are Elements? An element is basically like a header or paragraph that you see on every other website you visit. It's an HTML command that allows us to place text onto a web page using HTML commands. These elements define the structure of a website and allow programers to easily add content onto websites without having to do too much work! That pretty much sums up classes, IDs and elements!