Cosmetic procedures experienced rapid advancement in recent years.
One such procedure is Co2 Laser Treatment. The procedure is popular for treating wrinkles and dark spots. However, Co2 Laser is getting increasingly popular for improving the adaptions of skin grafts to surrounding skin.
Most patients dread skin grafts. The reason is that the nature of the scar may vary. In some cases, the skin graft scar may be flat, but it can be raised or red also.
Well, this is why most of you are desperate to improve the appearance of the skin graft through Co2 Laser.
The Concept of Co2 Lasers
As per Sigrid Blome, a contributor to the Phoenix society, it is crucial to understand skin injury and skin repair to perceive the concept of Co2 lasers. The surface of the scar depends upon the depth of the injury. If the injury damage can reach the dermal layer, then in this situation, a skin graft is necessary.
When you opt for a skin graft, then you are sceptical about the results. Co2 Laser plays a crucial role to improve the texture of the graft. Your dermatologist will not perform Co2 Laser on the skin graft immediately. The procedure is performed 3 to 8 weeks after the surgery. The dermatologist may assess your skin graft, and then decide the Co2 Laser sessions needed.
You need to be vigilant when your skin graft is gradually healing. If you notice the fact that you are suffering from a lot of pain or the graft is bleeding, then this may indicate an infection. If your skin graft becomes infected, then you will have to wait for the infection to heal completely, and only then you can go for Co2 laser to improve the appearance of the graft.
Laser training is a pivotal part of your laser journey. Laser courses are designed to give students the theoretical and practical understanding to confidently begin treating their customers. At Chelsford the new students will experience the same benefits, confidence & knowledge. This is why they will teach you everything you need to know, in one environment.
How Co2 Laser treatment improves skin graft scars?
The microbeams of the Co2 Laser rehabilitate the scarred tissue. Co2 Laser can stimulate the body to produce new collagen in the skin graft. Well, this specific laser treatment works better for the hypertrophic scars and can help in making the scars look more uniform.
2.1 A Convincing Reason to Use Co2
The worth appreciating aspect of Co2 Laser treatment is that it can improve the skin graft on any part of the body, and the results are not restricted to the face alone. As per an article published in the Journal Lasers Surg Med, Co2 laser can also improve the melanin variation of the skin graft. It is a convincing reason to try out this ablative laser treatment.
Now, if you are opting for Co2 laser, then it is vital to have realistic expectations. The laser treatment can beneficial to reduce the pain or itching caused by the skin graft. There are times when a skin graft limits your movement. The laser can help to increase your range of motion too.
How Does Co2 Laser Work?
What the Co2 lasers do is that they burn certain elements in the scar, and this can help to stimulate the repair process. The Co2 laser sheds the light energy to Blome, a small hole into the skin tissue, and the hole helps to stimulate the healing mechanism.
What is essential to remember is that the skin graft area is quite sensitive, and it is not advisable to cause a deep wound through Co2 laser. The reason is that it can cause scarring. Fractional Co2 laser is used to treat skin grafts because it makes use of advanced technology, and the dermatologist can also use the small hole to deliver the medicine into the graft.
The good news is that the procedure does not take a long time. As per Mayoclinic, a single session of Co2 laser may take about 30 minutes to 2 hours depending upon the skin graft getting treated.
2.3 Essentials to follow when opting for Co2 laser
When you want to get your skin graft scar treated through Co2 laser treatment, then it is crucial to go for medical consultation. At the same time, you should communicate the medicines or supplements you take to your dermatologist. The step is necessary to avoid any complications.
2.4 Things to consider when opting for Co2 Laser to improve skin grafts
There are some preventive measures that you need to follow before Co2 laser treatment. You should make sure that your skin graft is not exposed to the sun for hours together before the treatment.
Apply Sunscreen: You should apply sunscreen on the skin graft too when you go out in the sun to avoid your skin graft from pigmentation.
Avoid taking a shower: When you acquire the Co2 laser service for improving your skin graft, then you should not shower immediately. It is vital to wait about 24 hours to shower.
Oral Antihistamine: Once your skin graft scar starts to heal, then you may have some itching. The best approach is to have an oral antihistamine. The benefit of the antihistamine is that it will stop the itching right away, and you will not end up by irritating your skin by scratching it.
If you have an old skin graft scar, then Co2 laser is the best option. However, conduct your research work before opting for the procedure. Do not be hesitant to raise questions to your dermatologist, so that you do not have any doubts in your mind.
Certified Dermatologist: It is also critical to go for a certified dermatologist who has a strong understanding of laser treatments. Permanent scarring can be caused due to improper settings on the laser platform, so you can afford to make any mistake.
Medical History: Secondly, your dermatologist should also make it a point to acquire your medical history. As per an article published in Semin Plast Surg Journal, excessive laser resurfacing is not advisable for patients who have a poor history, when it comes to wound healing.
Device: Another essential aspect to keep in mind is that energy output on one device is not going to be the same as on the other device. The reason to highlight this point is to encourage you to seek information from your dermatologist about the device he intends to use.
Your dermatologist should identify the safe and unsafe laser endpoints to avoid any complications. Remember these guidelines before opting for Co2 Laser Treatment.
Are you finding a provider? Co2 laser treatment is a very sensitive treatment which only an expert can do. If you are finding a reliable provider, then look no further Expert has got you covered. Our seasoned and qualified practitioners will assess your skin type and plan out the most suitable treatment for your skin graft.