Today, many new mothers are worried about how to quickly regain good physical shape after childbirth and to get back to the normal routine fast, affects their health and wellness. However, during pregnancy, they do not suspect that the struggle with changes in the figure will not be the main difficulty that they face after the birth of the baby. Constant fatigue and lack of sleep, anxiety for the newborn, frequent difficulties with establishing the process of breastfeeding, lack of free time, strict restrictions in food, hormonal imbalance are the causes of postpartum depression, which overshadow the joy of the appearance of the baby in the family.
In the first days, weeks and even months after birth, there are serious restrictions on physical activity for a newly become mother. The body is rebuilt for the postnatal period, the abdominal organs return to their former prenatal places, the uterus contracts, there are secretions. Joints, including pelvic, ligaments, muscles of a woman in this difficult recovery period are too soft, which is why they are easily susceptible to injuries. That is why in the first months after birth, it is not that asanas with a wide set of legs are forbidden, even walking with wide steps is not recommended.
But in the first days after birth, you can meditate in a relaxing Shavasana and perform breathing exercises. A very useful exercise for moms is Ashwini mudra. Its essence is that you have to strain the muscles of the buttocks and perineum and pull in the anus. The recommended daily number of repetitions is 12 times multiplied by two sets. The effectiveness of Ashwini mudra is not inferior to the famous Kegel exercises and helps the woman who gave birth to restore the tone of the vaginal muscles. Also in the postpartum period, to strengthen the muscles of the back, it is useful to perform various versions of Pavanamuktasana (wind release Posture). You can join a yoga school in Rishikesh to learn more about yoga and meditation.
It is performed lying on his back with straight legs, feet on themselves. First, bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the chest of the same name. Help yourself by clasping your knee with your hands. Perform the asana 10 times with each leg, and then bend your knees and pull both legs to your chest. Complicating the asana can be a simultaneous lifting of the head and shoulders. At the same time, you need to stretch your forehead or chin to the knees.
Next, the tone of the abdominal muscles with the help of Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana) and to perform the same – sit down comfortably by lifting the feet roughly until centre 45 degrees, and hands placed parallel to your body. Stay in the asana for 5-10 breathing cycles.
Next, to tone the buttocks, new mothers can be advised to practice Garudasana (Eagle Pose) and Vrikshasana (Tree Pose). The latter is performed standing. One leg should be bent at the knee and its foot placed on the inner or front surface of the thigh of the opposite leg as close as possible to the groin. Straight arms should be raised above the head, joining hands together. The pose is asymmetrical. After standing in it for 5-10 breathing cycles, duplicate it with the other supporting leg.
To tone the digestive system and improve metabolism, mothers can recommend going with the warrior lying Posture (Supta Virasana) and performing the same asana, kneeling down, lower the buttocks to the floor between the feet, gently pull the body back and lower the shoulders to the floor. Raise your straight arms above your head and connect your palms. Try to relax. Stay in the pose for 5-10 breathing cycles.
Investing in yoga, for 20 minutes a day and doing in a fairly gentle mode will bring power to your body and your thoughts so mothers must try and look and feel the best always.