What is a Scramble in Golf?

Golf is a sport that has been around for centuries and is still enjoyed by millions of people around the world today. While it is a sport that relies on skill and precision, there are many different variations of the game that allow players of all skill levels to have fun. One popular variation of the game is known as a “scramble.” But what, exactly, is a scramble in golf? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is A Scramble? 

A scramble is a style of golf played by two or more players. It’s a fun and often high-energy variation of the game that is often used in tournaments and charity events. The general idea behind a scramble is that the group agrees to hit their own tee shot, but then after that, everyone chooses the best shot, and the group then plays their next shots from that location.

The Basics of a Scramble

Scrambles can be played with three, four, or more players. All players in the group will hit their own tee shot. After that, the players in the group discuss which shot is the best and then everyone else in the group will hit their second shot from that location. This process continues until the team has completed the hole. The team’s score for the hole is then recorded.

What Are The Benefits of Playing a Scramble?

There are several benefits to playing the scramble format. Here are just a few of them:

1. Fun for Everyone: The scramble format is a great way to make the game more fun and relaxing, especially if you have players in the group who may not have the same skill level. This is because everyone in the group gets a chance to hit the “best” shot, leading to more fair and enjoyable competition.

2. Speed: One of the best aspects of the scramble format is the fact that it is much faster than a traditional game of golf. This can lead to a more relaxed round of golf, as players do not have to worry about waiting for other players in the group to hit.

3. Pressure: Another great thing about the scramble format is the fact that there is much less pressure since the team is playing together rather than as individuals. This can be especially beneficial for players who may be new to the game or who may not have the same skill level as the other players in the group.

4. Variety: The scramble format can be used to introduce some variety into a round of golf. For example, the team could decide to each hit a different type of club (iron, wedge, putter) from the same location, or they could decide to hit their shots from different locations (left, center, or right) for a particular hole.

How to Play a Scramble

1. Agree on the Format: Before the game begins, it is important that the group agrees on the format. This includes things such as whether or not they will be playing a two-person scramble or a more traditional four-person scramble. The group should also agree on any other rules they would like to impose, such as whether or not they will hit from the same location or different locations on every shot.

2. Choose the Best Drive: Once everyone has hit their tee shots, it’s time to choose the best drive. The group should discuss which shot is the best and decide on the location from which everyone will play their second shot.

3. Play the Rest of the Hole: After the group has chosen the best tee shot, everyone will hit their second shots from that location. This process continues until the group has completed the hole.

4. Score the Hole: The group’s score for the hole should be recorded and added to the overall score.


Scramble is a fun and often high-energy variation of the game of golf that can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. This style of play is great for introducing some variety into a round of golf, as well as for making the game more fun and relaxed. It is important for the group to agree on the format and any other rules before beginning the game, and the team’s score for the hole should be recorded and added to the overall score. With a little practice and some creativity, scrambles can be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.