Methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that assists in the breakdown and the use of folate in the body.

Homocysteine (an amino acid that assists cell upkeep) is converted to methionine by methylfolate (helps with growth and tissue repair).Every human is surely having the gene 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, which is also called MTHFR. It's responsible for the breakdown of folic acid, which creates folate. Some health conditions and disorders can result without enough folate, or with a malfunctioning gene.

A mutated MTHFR gene can cause homocysteine levels to build up in the blood, leading to homocystinuria. Consuming 400 mcg of folic acid each day can help prevent neural tube defects even if you have this gene mutation.


During Pregnancy Period:

During pregnancy, women who test positive for a mutated MTHFR gene may have a higher risk for miscarriages, or a baby born with birth defects. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a condition where the homocysteine levels in the body are elevated. There are different types of mutations that can happen with this gene, some of which can affect pregnancy. Women who've had multiple pregnancy losses often test positive for a mutation that can cause pregnancy loss. If your kid was born with neural tube problems or you've had recurrent miscarriages, you may need to be examined.Many women go on to have normal pregnancies, even if they test positive current pregnancy loss.



If you have a positive MTHFR gene mutation and want to start planning for a baby, you should take 1000 mcg of L-methylfolate the day you start.Your doctor may recommend taking more than 400 mg a day if you are in the high-risk category. If you are at risk of developing an underdeveloped brain or nervous system, or have a family member who is at risk, there are ways you can increase the amount of folate in your blood by eating more folate-rich foods and supplementing with folic acid or by adding folic acid to your regular diet.


Vaccine for MTHFR:

The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics does not recommend testing for MTHFR, but other genes that might explain some diseases are not worth testing for. "Without a big picture, without knowing the full story, they can exploit the information," genetics counselor says. And today, thanks to mail-in DNA tests, it's quite simple for anyone to be tested.

When California abolished personal and religious exemptions from vaccinations in 2016, interest in MTHFR and vaccines seemed to spike. Doctors could still grant medical exemptions, and anti-vaccine websites began to discuss probable justifications. MTHFR was one of numerous genes mentioned, and they cited Crowe and Reif's article as a proof. (Interestingly, the research also discovered a second gene named IRF1, although the spotlight has always been on MTHFR, maybe because the latter gene was already well-known among naturopathic physicians.



1.  Crider KS, Devine O, Hao L, et al. Population red blood cell folate concentrations for prevention of neural tube defects: Bayesian model. BMJ. 2014;349:g4554.