Best Cyber Security Training 2022


Cyberskills Training is a specialist training provider of emerging technologies, such as Cybersecurity, Risk Management, Cloud, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, Compliance among others.

Our courses are endorsed by the best certification bodies in the industry.  Our bestselling  courses include:



Cyberskills courses can be attended in-person or live remotely from the comfort  of your home. They are high Impact Learning Solutions designed to help students acquire skills and obtain certification that attendees require to enhance their professional

C.yberskills Training key advantages include:

Ø  Custom Curriculum - Skilled practitioners help build and deploy specific programs

Ø  Strategic Advisory Services - Consulting and mentoring services to help optimize your agency’s skills

Ø  Flexible Learning Options - Multiple formats to match your learning style, schedule and budget

Ø  Role-Based Learning Paths - Purpose-built curriculum tailored to your role

Ø  Industry Trusted - Worldwide recognition for training excellence

Ø  Academic Excellence - Best practices, quality assurance standards, and pre-review processes

Ø  Professional Credibility - Immersive hands-on training ensure technical competency


As the dominating world of digital or digital-based businesses, securities and organisations grow, so does the value of information and the need to protect it. Individuals undertaking such tasks are termed, Cyber-security specialists or consultants. Following are the skills required for becoming a good Cyber specialist.

·         Cloud
Cloud Security is a set of controls that are used to protect cloud-based systems. Cloud security virtually encompasses all policies and technologies to protect everything from IPs to valuable information assets.

·         Compliance
Compliance is defined as following a set of rules and adhering to regulations while meeting requirements. In cyber-security, compliance refers to making a program that sets up contingency controls to secure the integrity, privacy, and availability of stored, processed, or transferred data. Any cyber-security specialist must be aware of the industry rules while being able to construct a code that suffices for the protection of data. 
Click on the link below to find out more.

·         Penetration Testing
Penetration testing, more widely known as pen testing, is a security technique that entails attempts at gaining access to a computer system, an application, or a network through hacking. Pen testing is part of ethical hacking and is practiced to find weak spots in a network or device’s security wall. It is the most important skill for a cyber-security consultant to master. You can find out more about 
Penetration Testing here.

·         Intrusion analysis
To secure a user’s digital or digitally accessible assets, all prior successful or attempted cyber-attacks are identified and maintained in a log. The investigation into these logs to scan and identify all malicious attempts at breaching the user’s security wall, a complex and critical task, is termed intrusion analysis. 
More information is available here.

·         Artificial Intelligence
A fascinating technology, Artificial Intelligence can be employed to minimise human interjection in cybersecurity by minimizing workforce demand and response time. Smart technologies like AI and Machine Learning are capable of scanning through an abundance of cybersecurity accidents to map and pattern threats and are now progressively utilised for cybersecurity purposes. 
More information is available here.

·         Public Key Infrastructure
For routine digital communications to take place, a technology for validating clients and computers in the digital sphere is a convenient idea. PKI (or Public Key Infrastructure) is a network safety and encryption structure that secures communications between a server and the client by assigning a pertinent party a cryptographic key. Knowing these keys and their roles and models are crucial to excelling in cybersecurity.

·         Data Officer
A data officer is an important human asset in any organisation under the umbrella of Information Technology. A data officer is tasked with the supervision of a variety of data-related functions and may also be responsible for data analytics.
Information Assurance Architecture
In cybersecurity, methods that protect information and information systems by protecting their authorisation, integrity, authentication, privacy, and non-repudiation are termed Information Assurance. The framework of such Information Assurance, referred to as its architecture, is vulnerable to security breaches if it remains unchanged or has even the most minute weak spots. A clear concept of this is necessary to learn how to prevent current and future breaches from happening.

·         Information Security Risk Management
The management of risks and the evaluation of their contingencies associated with the use of Information Technology is termed Information Security Risk Management or ISRM. ISRM is crucial in the protection of an organisation’s valuable information and thus constitutes an important skill to becoming a cyber-security expert.

·         Cyber Network Defence
In cybersecurity, networks and network devices need to be pro-actively protected and defended against possible malicious intrusions. This domain of digital network security is termed Cyber Network Defence.