Why are so many people E-freelancing.com?


E-freelancing is becoming a more and more common practice in this day and age because of the simple fact the overwhelming majority of remote workers want to continue working from home as part-time for the rest of their careers. The E-freelancer market has shown rapid growth. There are more e-freelancers today than there have ever been in history – a 2020 study by freelance statistics shows an estimated 6.7 billion e-freelancers around the world. Another study shows that 76% of workers aged 18-28 are E-lancing.


Arfius Al-din, the founder and CEO of freelancing platform e-freelancing.com, noted that, while the overall number of E-freelancers is increasing, it’s an approach to work that’s especially popular with Gen Z workers–48% of which are already freelancing. “As younger generations of workers have seen those experiences of older workers, they have also seen that traditional full-time employment is not all it’s cracked up to be and that working for a single company is not necessarily a low-risk proposition,” he says. “They’re finding that they are feeling more comfortable by having a freelance career.”


That shift in seeing life as an e-freelancing as more stable than a traditional full-time job is significant. They can choose their work schedule and workload as much or as little as possible. 

E-freelancing.com isn’t something people typically do forever. They can hire other e-freelancers to build their own business. While e-freelancing may have been considered something primarily for creative fields, Arfius notes that it’s expanding to other sectors. “It’s also across every business type. Small companies realize that this is a workforce they can be tapping into. It’s cutting across all sectors of the current economy, all types of skills,” says Arfius. “Freelancers are in high demand in almost every skill area that can do in front of a computer remotely from anywhere.”